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tv   A Healthy You Carol Alt  FOX News  December 7, 2013 1:00pm-1:31pm PST

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welcome to healthy you. i'm carol alt. what do gwyneth paltrow and halle berry have in common? we are believes in the powers of pro biotics. what does that mean? will they really help keep you slender like the commercials say? today we have the answers. plus, are all organic foods what they're cracked up to be? we have an expert here to bust several myths associated with eating organic. first, is your doctor always
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right? do you need to question him? should you do your own research or just listen to what he e tells you to do and could your doctor be giving you instructions and directions base on what other people have wrong with them? according to our next guest that's a possibility and you need to take responsibility for your health. he's canada's leader fitness instructor. tony, you have an unusual kind of practice. tell me about the practice and how you thought of this idea. >> we like to transform bodies, lift spirits and strengthen minds. i'm pretty active and i decided to do my annual checkup to the doctor, my regular gp. what happened was when i went to my doctor, you do your regular blood work and everything kind of goes and the doctor says you're fine, everything is great. but i'm like -- >> wait. he said you're fine for your age. >> that's right. and i'm like, well, i don't want
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to be fine for my age. i eat pretty well and i'm not perfect but i strive for consistency and i don't want to be fine. i want to be way better. he didn't have any ideas so i went to see a new doctor and this doctor took a lot of time and said we're going to send you for blood work. it's going to be a little extra that our regular coverage in canada doesn't cover. i should sure. the blood work came back. she sat me down and it was so amazing because my previous visit was like 8 minutes and i was out of the office. this one was like an hour and i was like, wow, this is amazing. she's like, look, here's the average 45-year-old, testosterone level is here. yours is just okay. i'm like, what do you mean? i don't want to be okay. i want to be back when i was --
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i want to be better, back when i was in my teens. it's amazing how a lot of that is lost because a lot of regular doctors, it's not their fault. they don't have time to spend to talk to you. >> i think that people are afraid when they go to their doctor. their nervous of what the doctor is going to find. they're really happy when it's quick and a fast visit. i just lost a friend to e esophageal cancer and he would say, you look good, go home. i was happy with that until --. doctors are people, they have a lot of work. a lot of pressure. you come in and look good, the blood work is okay for the markers, the cholesterol, et cetera. you say you need to question your doctor, push to find out these things and to make yourself better at 50 than you were at 20. that's what you strive to do and this, you said, created a new type of business for you. tell us about that. >> what happens is one of the
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things that we do is that at five weeks when people come in, if they're not getting the results, if they're not losing the weight and doing the right things we send them for blood work. after that blood work comes in, we send them to the doctor. this doctor spends 45 minutes to an hour. for instance, a typical doctor up in canada, if you have a stomach ache, they will prescribe a pill for you take whatev whatever. they don't say what are you eating, how is your fitness, do you do exercise, give me a list of foods what you are eating. they don't take into consideration this stuff. these or doctors will take that into consideration. >> right. i think that many people don't realize how much of their ailments and what happens in their bodies relates to the food that they eat. i think that is also prevalent in our pharmaceutical system and our medical system. i don't think that people get how really important food is. you found a great many people
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respond very well to change in diet and therefore when they exercise they get a great result from their exercise. tell us about that. >> that's the key. 80% is what you eat. raw foods, you talk about the raw diet, totally agree. that's true nutrients. >> raw diet is extreme and a lot of people can't do it. what do you tell them to do? >> have the balance of protein, carbohydrates and fats. >> when you say carbohydrates, that can be sugar. a lot of people when you say carbohydrates, they go for the breads, the pastas. >> it comes down to this. green vegetables. >> long chain carbohydrates. >> yes. it comes down to low glycemic fruits. >> high fiber fruits, less sugar. >> you got it. then your lean sources of meet which can vary from fish, lean
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sources of meat, organic turkey, chicken breast. i like to use the hand as a simil sample. the palm of your hand is the portion of your protein. >> and your thumb to be carbohydrates and your whole body should be as many vegetables. >> you got it. fats are important, essential fatty acids from fish oils, olive oil. >> i couldn't agree more. i appreciate you coming on and talking about it. it's very important for people to hear it from anybody other than me. >> yes. people should ask their doctor because most doctors only have about two hours of nutrition. it's not their fault. a lot of them go to study medicine and unfortunately you could take precautions. >> thank you for coming on and talking about this and taking the time. >> thank you. >> i was wondering, are pro biotics the new health fad?
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there are ads all over tv, grocery stores, health magazines, heck, i saw an ad on the subway the other day, and yes, i do take the subway. what do they do and are they good for you. dr. bruce bond is here with insight into what makes these little organisms so vital to our health. no one could have left this much money here. whoo-hoo-hoo! yet many seniors whoompare medicare d plans realize they can save hundreds of dollars. cvs/pharmacy wants to help you save on medicare expenses. or go to to get your free, personalized plan comparison today. call, go online, or visit your local store today. where does the united states get most of its energy? is it africa? the middle east? canada? or the u.s.?
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>> welcome back to healthy you. they are all but invisible to the naked eye, yet there are billions of them in your body. i'm not talking about your cells. i'm talking about pro biotics. what are they and how important are they to your health? can you even survive without them? what is it about them and how do they relate to better health. dr. bruce bond is back. thank you for coming back on the show. >> thanks for having me. >> what is a pro biotic. >> a pro biotic, to keep it
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simple, are those bacteria that hang out in your kol lon. some are good and some are bad. >> tell us about what an antibiotic is that one is anti- and one is pro. >> what we have in our gut are good bacteria and they normally live within us. a lot of people take pro biotics but people forget there is another factor to it, something called a prebiotic. >> you have a pro biotic and antibiotic. the pro are the good biotics and the an anti- kill off the colds and flus. they live in your colon and what
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do they do? >> they produce short chain fatty acids that help fuel the cells of your colon. of all the cells in your body and your tissues, your gut lining turns over every five to seven days. being that they do that so often they need a constant source of fuel. >> do they also help in breaking down food? >> not so much breaking down food but they break down certain foods that we eat, certain foods that we eat are fully fuel for the good bacteria like pectins and citrus fruit, if you eat an apple or barley or beans. if i'm a good guy and i live in your colon, if you go out for lunch and eat an apple, what i do as the good bacteria is i
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munch on that and that's called fermentation and that's fuel for the colon. what they have found in research which goes way beyond the colon. they found that one of those actually helps your dna express itself better. >> that's important because when dna is damaged, that's the prelude to having cancer so you can help the dna replicate each time over and over that helps the prevention of cancer, just one job that it does. >> right. your thyroid, your ovaries, any tissues in my body, each cell is supposed to do something specific. there are things that attach to the dna that tell that dna to do that for that specific cell. one of those short chain fatty acids that are produced by the
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good bacteria actually keeps something attached to your dna so your dna can specifically do what it was designed to do. if that isn't on the dna, your dna abnormally expresses it. >> meaning it can replicate long and become a cancer because that's exactly what a cancer cell is. >> right. it goes back to your type of a life-style, it goes back to the choices that we make. >> i think always everything seems to come back to diet and exercise and environment, water, the choices that we make. tell me a little bit about these pro biotics in terms of -- everywhere you turn today they're talking about activeia and pro bioticbiotics. could we survive without them? >> you could if you ate really well. >> why? are they in the food. >> not necessarily in the food. once we get inokay lated when we
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come down the vaginal canal and if we ate the way we were supposed to they would self-sustain. >> today we take medication, aspirin, alcohol, all these things kill off the good biotics. >> even the hormones in food. >> right. that's the reason we have to replenish it. >> you need to see the gut. when you put it in there, you're seeding it. >> it's important to keep the pro biotics growing and keeping our intestines healthy. dr. bond, you made this segment very easy for us. thank you for coming on and explaining pro biotics to us. how do you know if what you're eating is really organic? we'll have the answers. stick around. [ male announcer ] this is george. the day building a play set
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begins with a surprisewinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪ and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing.
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so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? on the table by not choosing the rit medicare d plan. no one could hav left this much money here. whoo-hoo-hoo! yet many seniors wompare medicare d plans realize they can save hundreds of dollars. cvs/pharmacy wants to help you save on medicare expenses. talk to your cvs prmacist, ll, or go to to get your free, personalized pl comparison today. call, go online, or visit your local store today.
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>> welcome back. one day i was shopping with my boyfriend and he asked me, how do they have seedless organic grapes? since he's russian i thought it was a language problem, but after a second i realized it's an oxymoron. how do you have seedless organic grapes if organic means as found in nature. nature doesn't have seedless grapes. i think i need an expert to answer all these questions for me because it's too complicated. with me now is max goldberg. thanks again for coming back and talking about organic food. >> great to be here. >> you heard what i said. my boyfriend said organic seedless grapes and i kept thinking he didn't understand what organic meant.
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i didn't get it because we're used to seeing organic seedless grapes when, in fact, seedless is not found in nature. >> when you are talking about organic, that's a standard that was put at the beginning of 2002. there are clear rules and regulations around organic. >> what are they? >> you cannot use genetically modified orgisms and none of those synthetic chemicals or fertilizers so organic uses the natural ecosystem to grow food and to send off against pests. >> that gives rise to two questions. one is seedless is not found in nature, so how is that natural or part of the ecosystem if you have to hybrid to get seedless products? >> well, hybridization is allowed in organic. that's not -- what genetically engineered food is not allowed in nature. >> the difference is what? >> genetically engineered,
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they're using sophisticated laboratory techniques for food that cannot be found in nature. so they take dna from one species, from a fish and insert it into a tomato or something like that. this is something that can not be produced in nature. >> a hybrid is taking two things and taking the best of both of them? >> yes, exactly. >> when we were talking about labelling laws for genetically modified organisms, why is it that they are allowed to call something organic if, in fact, it's a hybrid? to me that's really not found in nature. we talk about kodaks. i remember when they were passed. that meant they were able to radiate our food. every civil liesed country was allowed to radiate our food. what does it do to our food? >> it kills the energy of our food. with organic, food over
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thousands and millions of years, very few things are not hybridized because food evolves over the years. so organic, what organic principlely means is no genetically engineered food so it can't be engineered in a laboratory and virtually all of these very synthetic chemicals and pesticides can't be used in this production. >> why is it that organic food is so much more expensive than conventionally grown crops? >> because it's not subsidized by the government. when you actually go to washington and learn about all the policies, it's the genetically modified foods and the farmers that are growing them get the subsidiesubsidies. >> that seems unfair since most people i talk to actually want the organic food. >> exactly. organic food is more popular than ever, growing at approximately 10% a year. it's the healthiest food we can
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eat. washington state university did a study on organic strawberries. they have higher levels of antioxidants. university of barcelona did a study on organic tomatoes, higher levels of antioxidants. but the organic industry does not have the clout in washington to get the policies that we need to support it. it's the conventional agriculture that has the money and puts the lobbying dollars to work so they get more favorable policies and that's why it's less expensive, the conventional food. >> so if the organic companies are making more money, is it because it takes so much more to grow organic crops? >> i'm not -- >> getting more money for their food? >> it's more expensive because, a, they're not getting the subsidies and they're using more technically efficient ways to do
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it. >> i heard that in order to have an organic crop you have to let the land lie for 7 years to get the chemicals out of the ground but don't you find that there are already chemicals in the water table so all these plants are taking it up through the ground anyway? it's not a perfect environment anymore. more or less organic is the better way to go even in an imperfect environment. >> the rule is three years so a lot of these chemicals stay in the land for a long time. but this is the best system we have rrght now. what you touched on about the water is correct. organic, we do as much as we can. it's not perfect but it's the best of what we have. >> thank you so much, max, for coming back and explaining organic to us. >> my pleasure. up next, i hit the phone to ask today's ask carol. stick around. if you've got copd like me, hey breathing's hard. know the feeling?
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welcome back. it's time for our weekly ask carol segment. today jackie asks, is sweating important? for the answer to this great question, i decided to take it to another level. check it out. >> the ask carol of the week is, is sweating important? not only is sweating important for you, it's necessary. today's environment is really polluted. heavy metals in our food and bpas in our water which of course are plastics. the way that the body tries to get rid of its toxic load is through ur rhea. no matter how many times a day you go it can only release so much acid. something like a sauna can help you sweat and toxins are released through your sweat. there are other ways to help
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detoxify the body. you can get a heavy metal detox out of texas or avoid pollution all together or bpas in your water by drinking filtered water out of glass bottles or the website at the bottom of your tv right now. about the the cycle thon helps you do it more quickly and helps you dump more toxins. sweating gets you there. in 15 minutes on this cycle thon can give me abs like that, i want them. as long as they put this cycle thon in here, i'm going to use it until they come pick it up. >> okay, okay, not my best look. but you get the idea. remember, if you have a question about diet, exercise, or even anti-aging, just tweet me @carol
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alt fnc or post it on my facebook page. until next time i hope you're learning to be more of a healthy you. the fox news alert, a deadly blast of wintery weather is spreading across the country. hello, i'm greg jarrett. welcome to america's news headquarters. we're talking about snow, ice, bone chilling cold now blamed for several deaths, making driving extremely dangerous, forcing flight delays and causing dangerous power outages. let's go to janice dean in the fox extreme weather center. >> hi, greg, much of the country into a deep freeze except our friends in florida where it's 83 in tampa. look at rapid city, minus 8. we're talking about a


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